Commander Salamander

The Robot Group is extending its experience with indoor blimps to the great outdoors.

Using a surplus envelope for the Mark IV and adding hot model airplane competition motors spec’d by guru George Parks, plus a video link and possible GPS unit we could demonstrate many new mission capabilities. Tom Davidson is designing and implementing the spread spectrum over the horizon video/data link.

Wish list :

1) mini GPS w/ serial port. I ‘m callin’ Trimble right now.

2) Balloonet system enabling stratospheric missions.

Missions will include sports events, natural disaster scouting, and environmental monitoring.

The Captain Salamander name was derived from local biologist’s (Jim Collett) concept for a Barton Creek inspection blimp.

Progress report by David Santos May 1996.

Generic Intellectual Property Statement- Patents mostly pending. Designs protected by copyright. Free noncommercial personal and educational use encouraged.