
The Robot Group, Inc. logo, color version (copyright to The Robot Group, Inc., design by Norm Annal).

Note : This is an unofficial / unsanctioned / unapproved archive of The Robot Group, Inc. web site created on 2022-06-12 and is continually being expanded and updated. The Robot Group, Inc. official web site can be found at https://therobotgroup.org


The Robot Group, Inc., is registered with the Texas Secretary of State and is recognized by the I.R.S. as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

We are in the process of building-out this site. As we do, we will attempt to consolidate the content from all previous versions of The Robot Group, Inc.’s web presence.

With the exception of some brief snippets of relevant quotes, none of the content of the old BBS nor the content of the mailing list will be available here. Thank you for asking.

We are much-indebted to members through the past three decades who have donated server space to host our site as well as to numerous chroniclers for the content that will be incorporated into this site.

As is the case with so many of other groups, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly hindered our public appearances and in-person meetings. We have used Google Workspace for our virtual meetings since late 2021.

The Robot Group meets concurrently in-person and online on the first Tuesday of the month from 1900 hrs – 2030 hrs. The in-person venue is the Diogenes Makerspace which shares a building with the Collete night club. Our door is at the far left end of the building. We use the Google Meet tool and the meeting ID is ptm-yjai-ynj
For access via a browser use this link : meet.google.com/ptm-yjai-ynj

Announcements of these meetings can be found on Meetup.

You can also find us on Facebook.

You can reach us via e-mail at the.robot.group.inc@gmail.com

Evan Harris, of PureMagic Software, graciously provides us with a mailing list (and has done so since early in the millennium).

Following the elections held during the January 02. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Corporation, here are our officers and board members for 2024.