Eric demonstrated several robots for an enthusiastic audience of kids and parents. Babbling Head recited a short story and sand several songs. The Compubotics CR01 robot explored the floors and table tops. The P5 Glove, a virtual reality glove, was a huge hit!
Babbling Head recites a short story at Austin Public Library, July 2004Catherine Lundquist works with P5 Glove at Austin Public Library July 2004. Compubotics CR01 robot is in the foreground.Eric Lundquist aids in putting on the P5 Glove at the Austin Public Library, July 2004Eric Lundquist instructs in the use of the P5 Glove at the Austin Public Library, July 2004Wow! This is cool!!Kids of all ages were enthralled by the P5 Glove at Austin Public Library, July 2004Rule no. 1 : Never let the subject see that you are aiming the camera at them. Austin Public Library, July 2004.
Author: rutrohverlord
I am, by nature, a creature of the web. My daytime vision is excellent although I prefer to roam, far and wide, under the cover of darkness.
Nightcrawler, woodsmith, metalsmith, scientist / engineer.
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