Robot Glove Project

[This page is still in early draft form. Most of the links have been removed and most of those that remain are dead. Mike will fix this.
Additionally, no photographs of Eric’s Lynxmotion arm have been found to-date.]

The goal of Eric Lundquist’s Robot Glove Project was to use the Essential Reality P5 Glove to control a Lynxmotion Robot Arm.

The Robot Glove is an example of a telepresence application suitable for demonstration purposes.

“The code is written in 100% Java. The P5 Glove interface is provided by Carl Kenner’s P5 Absolute Mode dll that is available on the p5glove group on Yahoo. The Lynxmotion Robot Arm is controlled via the RS232 interface with the Java comm library. This allows theoretically “portable” code across Windows and Linux. The arm uses a Mini SSC Serial Servo Controller.

Bending the fingers opens and closes the gripper. The yaw axis controls the base rotation. Pitch controls the wrist. The Z-axis controls the shoulder at the base and the Y-axis controls the elbow.

Here is the source code written in Java for the original beta version of Kenner’s CP5DLL.”

Eric Lundquist

Updated 05/19/2007 – Version 2 has been updated to work with the Beta version 3 of Kenners CP5DLL. There is a beta 3.1 version of CP5DLL on yahoogroups, but I was unable to make it work. It was also modified to work with RXTX since Sun left everyone high and dry on javax.

P5 Yahoo Group THE source for P5 Glove information.

There is a great new P5 Glove resource from Dr Andrew Davison. He wrote a chapter dedicated to the P5 Glove in his book titled Killer Game Programming in Java and Pro Java 6 3D Game Development. The chapter even mentions this project on page 4.