Essential Reality P5 Glove

Essential Reality P5 Virtual Reality Glove

Eric Lundquist created and maintained this page for a very popular exhibit. It is a bit long-in-the-tooth now (last updated 2008-01-08).

Picked one of these up on sale for $20 from Tiger Direct. It is an interesting piece of technology. The base plugs up to the usb port. Each finger has a bend sensor. There are 7 LED’s and 4 buttons on the glove. The base station can see up to 4 of them at a time depending on the orientation of your hand. Essential Reality makes a software development kit available for Linux and for Windows. Unfortunately, the Windows version only supports Visual C++. To get around using vile Micro$oft software, I have ported a Linux GNU C program from Jason Mc Mullan that dumps the raw data from the glove. This program uses the libusb drivers for Linux. Fortunately, some enterprising individuals have ported this package to Windows. I was able to compile the software and, with a few tweaks, make it run.

The glove sends packets that contain the status of each button, the value of the finger bend sensors, and from 0 to 4 x,y,z readings from the LED’s. The next step is to figure out how to convert those x,y,z readings into roll, pitch, and yaw data.

Eric Lundquist

Update 05/19/2007 – Updated the Robot Glove software to work with the Beta 3 (not 3.1) version of the CP5DLL and to use RXTX instead of javax.

Update 11/17/2004 I have written a Java program that utilizes Carl’s P5DLL.dll and the javax comm api to control a Lynxmotion Arm. I have made the source code available. The new project page for the combined P5 Glove and Lynxmotion Arm is at Robot Glove.

Update 10/04/2004 – Carl Kenner has created a version of P5DLL.dll that is what Essential Reality should have released in the first place. It supports all languages instead of just yucky old M$ VC++. It also supports absolute mode instead of just relative mode. The code is available here.

The code

p5dump.c Source code to dump program for Windows.

The executable. Requires libusb-win32 to be installed.

p5glove.c Source code for P5 Glove support routines.

p5glove.h Include file for P5 Support routines. Portable Java program that allows a P5 glove to control a Lynxmotion robot arm.


A really great web page by Ross Becina. Lots of P5 info and links to VR glove info in general. Another great P5 resource.

The P5 Glove Wiki site.