The Robot Group was invited to the 2nd grade Gifted & Talented class at Barton Creek Elementary.
Eric Lundquist brought the Babbling Head, Catherine the Creative, and the P5 Virtual Reality Glove.
Eric Lundquist monitors as Babbling Head entertains the troops. Babbling Head entertains the students with a song or two. Eric Lundquist and the class observe Catherine the Creative as she manipulates a chess piece. Eric Lundquist demonstrates the P5 Virtual Reality glove. Eric Lundquist with the students in the Barton Creek Elementary School, 2nd grade Gifted & Talented class as they experience the P5 Virtual Reality glove.
The students were great and had a lot of interesting questions. Babbling Head sang a few songs. Catherine the Creative moved a chess piece around. All of the students got a chance to try out the virtual reality glove.
Everyone had a lot of fun.